Brass Parts India
Bass Parts India Brass Turned Parts
We offer various precision Brass parts Turned
Parts Components Brass Turned Components on Automatic turning
machines( Indian made in India) form 1/8" (3mm) to 6" (150mm) in
diameter. all our Brass Parts Components are checked and are
available in small / tight tolerance at very competitive prices. We
supply to leading names in UK / Britain and all our British
distributors / suppliers can vouch for our quality of Brass parts.
Brass Material used for Brass Parts India :
CZ 115 c377, c380, cz122, en 12165 – cw617n, cw612n, cuzn40pb2 &
cuzn39pb2, EN 12164 BS 2874, CZ 114 BS 2874, BS 2874 - CZ 121 Pb3,
CZ 122 UNS C36000, CDA 360 DZR, Brass BS 2874 - CZ 131 CW 614